
October of 2020
Board adopts Capital Improvement Plan Update
The Capital Improvement Plan Update (2020 CIP) identified and prioritized capital assets and projects that are necessary to meet the District’s mission statement and goals of continuously providing protection to the Natomas Basin in a strategic and efficient manner.
Download documentJanuary of 2021
Board Adopts Phase 1.0 of Comprehensive Financial Plan
Reclamation District No. 1000 (District) retained NBS to prepare a Comprehensive Financial Plan that includes all revenue sources, expenditures, reserves, capital improvement costs, repair and replacement costs, and net revenue requirements. Phase 1.0 addressed the following issues:
1. The development of net revenue requirements from FY 2021/22 to FY 2040/41.
2. The establishment and maintenance of reserve funds and targets.
3. The funding of the District’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
December of 2021
Board Adopted Phase 2.1 of the Comprehensive Financial Plan
The potential funding alternatives evaluated were as follows:
Alternative 2 - Full CIP with no Bond Financing
Alternative 3 - Full CIP with no Bond Financing & Reserve Spend Down
Alternative 1 - Full CIP with Bond Financing
The District instructed NBS to utilize Alternative 3 as the basis for Phase 2.1.
Download documentPhase 2.1 provided a recommendation and preliminary rate modeling required to fund the District's annual operations, maintenance, and capital improvements as identified in the previously prepared Financial Plan Phase 1.0. The report also discusses the relative strengths and weaknesses of potential funding solutions.
May 2022
Phase 2.2 Technical Memorandum Presented To Board Of Trustees
The Phase 2.2 Tech Memo was provided to the Board of Trustees as a prelude to the Rate Study Justification Report (Rate Study) which is currently underway. The Rate Study will provide the underlying basis, justification, and final calculation of proposed rates. The results of the Rate Study are anticipated to be completed in Fall 2022.
Download documentSeptember 9, 2022 through
November 18, 2022
Draft Fee Study Report available for public comment
Public comment period for RD1000’s draft fee study open from Sept. 9 through November 18
Download document